Production Loggers

Production loggers enable user based logging of production data which are used to map all your production. It can also be used to map energy and derive efficiency.

Creating Production Loggers:

  • In order to create production loggers, Choose ‘logbook’ from the menu.
  • Once you open the log book, turn on the settings mode (on the top right corner).
  • You will see two options Access Industry loggers and Create Production loggers (highlighted).
  • Choose ‘Create Production Loggers ‘.
  • Then you will see a page opened (as shown below).
  • There, firstly enter the name (of your choice).
  • Next, choose the input type from the drop-down option given as (list, text). When you choose the type as ‘list’ then you will see a next tab showing input list with the drop-down option showing the list of workspaces (choose as per your choice). Then you need to give the input name regarding the input type you have chosen.
  • Optionally, when you choose the input type as text you will just have to give the input name.
  • Similarly, choose the output type from the drop-down option given as (list, text). When you choose the type as ‘list’ then you will see a next tab showing output list with the drop-down option showing the list of workspaces (choose as per your choice). Then you need to give the output name regarding the output type you have chosen.
  • Optionally, when you choose the input type as ‘text’ you will just have to give the input name.
  • Next, enter the Param name, choose the workspace, param type, device (from the drop-down option available beside each).
  • Then choose the output Params from the drop-down option (multiple options can also be chosen).
  • Next, you will see two check boxes named ‘Compute Production’ and 'Compute Energy'
  • When you choose the Compute production, you will have to calculate production by choosing the requirements below and by choosing you will get a formula provided to calculate production.
  • Production operator - This operator which you choose from the drop-down options available such as (+, -, *, ^) will be calculated with the param chosen.
  • Production correction Factor - Enter the value for correction so that it will be calculated with the param and production operator chosen.
  • Production Multiplier – This production multiplier will provide you with three options such as (none, input, output).
  • Here when you choose None, your production will be equal to param calculated by the correction factor using the production operator chosen.
    (For Example, correction factor = 5, production operator as +) then, [ Production = (Param +5)].

  • When you choose Input, your production will be equal to param calculated by the correction factor using the production operator chosen multiplied by output name chosen.
    For Example, (output name = m) refer to the above example, [ Production = (Param +5) * m].

  • When you choose Output, additionally you have to choose output multiplier (+, -, *, ^) and enter output correction factor. So that your production will be,
    Say output multiplier as ^ and output correction factor = 3 then, refer to the above two examples, [ Production = (Param +5) * (m ^ 3)].

  • Then, you have to enter the production unit.
  • In case you need to choose Compute energy, then you will have to choose energy param type from the drop-down option available (parameter, computed param, combo param).
  • When you choose parameter and computed param then you will have to choose workspace, energy device and energy param (from the drop-down option).
  • When you choose Combo param, then you will have to choose only energy param (from the drop-down option).
  • After all the requirements are filled click ‘Create ‘button so that production logger will be created according to the inputs given by you.


  • In case of any changes, you want to make, click the created production logger.
  • And then you will see the page (as shown below) and here when you click the pencil icon you will see an edit production logger and there you can make your changes and then click the ‘edit’ button and your changes will be updated.
  • In case if you want to delete it, you can click the delete icon to delete the created production logger.


  • View Log - Select the dates for which you want to fetch log details and then click ‘view log ‘button in-order to fetch the log details and it automatically fetches the last 15 days logs.
  • Add Filter- This option will be flexible to fetch the only requirement which you are in need of in ease manner.
  • To do so you have to choose the param from the drop-down option available
  • Once you click ‘Add Filter’ you will be able to fetch the details of only which you have added as filter.
  • Write in log book - In order to write in log book, click over the production logger you have already created and you will see a dialog box showing ‘write in log book’.
  • There you have to enter the required date and choose (from and to) time next you need to enter input and output tab and then choose the param from the drop-down option available and enter the remarks and then click ‘write’ button. Then you will get an info message ‘log is written’. In case you want to delete the log data, click over the down arrow near to the data under production log table, there you will be seeing a delete icon (as shown in the below image) click that so that you can delete the log data.