Enture Machines

Enture Machines are a way of looking into logically grouped parameters based on actual machines. This creates a digital twin of machine on the site.

Adding machines to workspace:

  • Firstly, choose machines from the menus.
  • Then, turn on the settings mode (on the top right corner)
  • Click the plus button on the top right corner to add the workspace.
  • Then, you will see a tab sliding from the bottom where you can choose the workspace from the drop-down option and enter the name and description regarding the machine
  • And, then click the submit button.
  • So that you will see the machine has been displayed under the workspace you have chosen.

Attaching params to machines:

  • Click over the machines you have created.
  • And you will see a page opened as shown below.
  • Here, using the plus option you can attach params to machines by entering all the required details such as device type, device, and parameters (from the drop-down option available)
  • click the add button.
  • There you will be seeing featured params and other params.
  • When your params will be added to the machines and it will be displayed (under the other params).
  • The featured parameters will get featured in the machine and will show up on the machine without going into machine details.
  • You can also remove it from the featured list using the option ‘Remove from featured’(will be shown once when you hover the featured list params).
  • When you click view details you will see the required details of the parameter as the page opens.