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Enture Triggers are event driven. These triggers are targeted by the Enture edge, based on threshold values. Each trigger can be assigned multiple Actions. Whenever the triggers get targeted based on threshold value and wait time, it will also execute the attached actions. The triggers can be attached to parameters. Whenever the parameter meets the trigger conditions, the trigger gets targeted.

Enture Actions are tasks that can be executed by the system. These actions are generally attached with triggers to create automation.

Multiple Actions can be attached to a trigger. Multiple triggers can be attached to any parameter. Multiple parameters can use the same trigger.

The create options are available in actions & triggers page (Settings mode should be on).

Creating Trigger:

  • Turn on setting mode
  • Click the create trigger button
  • Enter the name of the trigger
  • Select the operator using the drop-down option (greater than, modulus greater than, lesser than, modulus lesser than, equal to, modulus equal to)
  • Enter your target threshold value and wait time in seconds.
  • Enter all the required details you can click the submit button
  • Then, the new trigger will be created and seen in the triggers list with an id displayed.

Creating actions:

  • Turn on setting mode (on the top right corner).
  • Select the 'create Action' button you will see the tab as in the image shown below.
  • You can add your action by selecting the action type and by adding the action name. (Each trigger can contain multiple actions. So, you can choose multiple action type for one trigger)
  • The action type drop-down refers to the type of action that you want to create. The options are available:
    1. Send notifications - This action will send notifications to the selected notification group(s)
    2. Write parameter - The action will write data to another parameter (writable parameters only). The parameter can be chosen by selecting the workspace and device.
    3. Relays - This type of action will switch any relay connected to the Enture edge device on/Off. Choose the Relay type you need (it may be onboard or external relays based on the deployment). Relay on/off can be chosen using the on/off button.
  • Click on the submit button to create your action. On successful creation, the action will get added to the Actions list with an Id.
  • To attach actions with triggers, click the drop-down button of the created trigger.
  • Click the plus button.
  • Select the action which you want to attach with triggers using the dropdown option.
  • And then, click 'Add Action'.
  • Once the action is successfully added, the action will appear as part of the attached action list in your trigger.
  • When you want to delete the attached action, you can use the delete icon which is available.

To Delete Action/Trigger:

  • In order to delete or modify the trigger/action you need to click on the drop-down arrow of the chosen trigger/action from the list.
  • If you need to delete you can click on delete icon and delete your trigger/action and if you need to do any modifications you can use pencil icon.

Attaching & Deleting Triggers to Parameter:

  • Turn on settings mode (on the top right corner)
  • To attach triggers to params, Choose devices from the menu.
  • You will be directed to the device page there you choose your workspace.
  • And there you will see all types of parameters
  • Choose a parameter where you want to attach your triggers which you have created.
  • When you hover over the parameter you will see a 'View Details' option showing highlighted.
  • Click 'View Details' to open the parameter details.
  • Then, you will see a parameter type of page (which you chose to add your triggers) there you can see a button on right corner highlighted in yellow 'Add trigger'.
  • Click on Add 'trigger'.
  • Then you will get a screen showing all types of triggers you have created. There you choose the trigger which you wish to add to the parameter and click 'ADD'.
  • You will get an info message as 'Trigger added' on success. The newly attached trigger will get added to the list of triggers attached to the parameter.
  • When you want to delete the trigger which you have added to the parameter you can easily click the cross option near to the trigger.
  • So that you will get another info message as 'Trigger removed'